Interview With Robert McCauley
- Conversations in Culture and Evolution
Carles Salazar of the Culture and Evolution Group in the Catalan Institute of Anthropology at the University of Lleida in Spain interviews Robert via Zoom.
Religion Is Natural & the Cognitive Science of Religion
- Homebrewed Christianity Podcast
Robert is interviewed by Tripp Fuller, discussing many themes and concepts in his work.
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Why Religion is Natural
- unSILOed Podcast with Greg LaBlanc
Robert and Greg discuss a number of topics including contamination management systems, cognitive fluidity, and developing intuition.
Cognitive Basis of Similarities in the Forms of Religious Representations and Mental Abnormalities
- Emory Emeritus College Podcast
Robert discusses the similarities between religious devotion and mental abnormalities studied by byproduct theorists in the cognitive science of religions.
Hearing Voices and Other Matters of the Mind
- The Dissenter
Robert and his co-author, George Graham, are interviewed by Ricardo Lopes (Portugal) about their new book, Hearing Voices and Other Matters of the Mind: What Mental Abnormalities Can Teach Us About Religions.
Interview with Claire White
- Department of Religious Studies, California State University at Northridge
Part 1
Robert talks about the cognitive science of religion, his theory of rituals, and the importance of interdisciplinarity in research.
Part 2
Robert talks about his book Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not and ideas about the relationship between science and religion.
Cognitive Science of Religion, Culture, Cognition, Evolution, and Ritual
- The Dissenter
Robert is interviewed by Ricardo Lopes (Portugal), discussing the basics of the cognitive science of religion and the study of religion in its biological, cognitive/psychological and cultural aspects.
Does Christianity Still Have a Place in Modern Europe?
- TRT World
In countries across Europe most young adults identify as non-religious. Does Christianity need to change its ways or risk becoming irrelevant? At the Roundtable was Robert McCauley; Sitna Quiroz, an anthropologist from Durham University’s department of theology and religion; and Rev. Nadim Nassar, the Church of England’s first priest from Syria and the director and co-founder of the international Christian charity Awareness Foundation. Presented by David Foster
- University of British Columbia
Video 1
Bonus Material: Robert McCauley on the Cognitive Science of Religion and the Problem of Reductionism (length 20:17)
Video 2
Big Theories of Ritual: Ritual Forms and Ritual Modes (length 13:34)
Video 3
Bonus Material: Robert McCauley on the Forms vs. Modes Theories (length 21:59)
A General Assertion Is Worth Innumerable Pictures
- Doyle Colloquium Series, Pennsylvania College of Technology
The pervasiveness of visual information is the foundation for this presentation on February 7, 2017. Robert draws distinctions between maturational development (walking and talking) and “practiced naturalness” (reading and writing), and follows the societal consequences of visual stimuli from the proliferation of the printing press to the even-more-explosive availability and accessibility of digital media
Method and Theory in the Cognitive Sciences of Religion
- The Religious Studies Project
Recorded at the 2015 North American Association for the Study of Religion (NAASR) conference, Robert is interviewed by Tommy Coleman and discusses methodological and theoretical issues within the cognitive sciences of religion.
Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not
- University of Texas, Austin
Robert delivers a compact version of this talk at the “Breaking New Ground in the Science and Religion Dialogue” conference on April 10, 2015.
Robert gave an expanded version of the talk at Seattle Pacific University on September 13, 2013
Are We Predisposed to Believe in Religion More Than Science?
While we may not be "hard-wired" for it, Robert thinks we have a natural disposition to believe in religion more than science. Robert discusses evolution, science, and belief with James Krupa and Connie Bertka on The Colin McEnroe Show from April 29, 2015.
To listen to the podcast, click here
The Evolution Revolution in the Study of the Prehistory and the Histories of Religions
- Conference on Prosociality in History and Historiography, University of British Columbia
Robert's keynote lecture from October 17, 2014.
Ancient Religions and Cognition 2: Transmission
- Senate House, London
See some of the conference on religious transmission, as well as interviews with Robert and other scholars who attended the meeting.
To watch the video, click here
Placing a Premium on Multidisciplinary Collaboration at the CMBC
- Emory University
Robert is interviewed by Hal Jacobs about the Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture at Emory University.
Robert McCauley on Cognitive Science and Reductionism
- LEVYNA, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
Robert is interviewed by Dimitris Xygalatas concerning models of cross-scientific relations.
"Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not" Book Trailer
- Emory University
Robert McCauley talks about his book Why Religion Is Natural and Science Is Not. His main point is that our minds are better suited to religious belief than to scientific inquiry.